pyjen.plugins.subversion module

Module defining the interfaces for interacting with Subversion properties associated with a pyjen.job.Job

class pyjen.plugins.subversion.ModuleLocation(node)[source]

Bases: object

Interface to SCM module declarations in a Subversion property of a job

Parameters:node (ElementTree.Element) – XML node defining the settings for a this plugin
Returns:the current SVN ‘depth’ options associated with this module
Return type:str

Disables the ‘ignore externals’ option on this SCM module


Enables the ‘ignore externals’ option on this SCM module


Checks to see whether the ‘ignore externals’ option is enabled on this job

Returns:True if ignore externals is enabled, otherwise False
Return type:bool

local folder where the source code for this module is checked out to

Return type:str

SVN URL where the source code for this module can be found

Return type:str
class pyjen.plugins.subversion.Subversion(node)[source]

Bases: pyjen.utils.plugin_base.PluginBase

Subversion SCM job plugin

Parameters:node (ElementTree.Element) – XML node defining the settings for a this plugin

list of patterns reflecting the regions of the SVN repo to include in SCM operations

Return type:list of str

Gets the list of SVN URLs associated with this plugin instance

Returns:set of 0 or more ModuleLocation objects describing the SVN parameters for this module.
Return type:list of ModuleLocation objects
type = 'hudson.scm.SubversionSCM'