
Display a list of all jobs on the default view

from pyjen.jenkins import Jenkins
jk = Jenkins.easy_connect("http://localhost:8080")
vw = jk.default_view
jobs = vw.jobs

for j in jobs:

Disable all jobs in a view named “My View”

from pyjen.jenkins import Jenkins
jk = Jenkins.easy_connect("http://localhost:8080")
vw = jk.find_view("My View")

Get all upstream dependencies of a job named “JobA”

from pyjen.jenkins import Jenkins
jen = Jenkins.easy_connect("http://localhost:8080")
jb = jen.find_job("JobA")
upstream = jb.all_upstream_jobs

for u in upstream:
    print u.name

Clone all jobs in a view who are named with a ‘trunk’ identifier for a new branch configuration

from pyjen.jenkins import Jenkins
j = Jenkins.easy_connect("http://localhost:8080")
v = j.find_view("trunk_builds")
v.clone_all_jobs("trunk", "branch")

Locate a nested subview on a Jenkins instance that uses the NestedView plugin

from pyjen.utils.helpers import find_view
v = find_view("http://localhost:8080", ('user', 'pw'), "MySubView")