pyjen.node module

Declarations for the abstraction of a Jenkins build agent

class pyjen.node.Node(data_io_controller)[source]

Bases: object

Wrapper around a Jenkins build agent (aka: Node) configuration

Use this class to manipulate agents managed by a Jenkins master

Instances of this class are typically created using one of the node methods on the Jenkins class, such as find_node()

To instantiate an instance of this class using auto-generated configuration parameters, see the easy_connect() method

Parameters:data_io_controller (DataRequester) – class capable of handling common HTTP IO requests sent by this object to the Jenkins REST API

Checks to see whether any executors are in use on this Node or not

Returns:returns True if there are no active builds on this Node at the moment otherwise returns False
Return type:bool

Checks to see whether this Node is currently offline or not

Returns:True if this Node is offline otherwise False
Return type:bool

Gets the display name of this Node

Returns:the name of this Node
Return type:str

Toggles the online status of this Node

If the current state of this Node is “offline” it will be toggled to “online” when calling this method, and vice versa.

Parameters:message (str) – optional descriptive message to display on the dashboard explaining the reason this node has been taken offline.

Blocks execution until this Node enters an idle state

Parameters:max_timeout (int) – The maximum amount of time, in seconds, to wait for an idle state. If this value is undefined, this method will block indefinitely.
Returns:True if the Node has entered idle state before returning otherwise returns False
Return type:bool