Source code for pyjen.plugins.freestylejob

"""Primitives that manage Jenkins job of type 'Freestyle'"""
from xml.etree import ElementTree
from pyjen.job import Job
from pyjen.utils.jobxml import JobXML
from pyjen.utils.plugin_api import find_plugin

[docs]class FreestyleJob(Job): """Jenkins job of type 'freestyle'""" # ----------------------------------------------------- XML BASED PROPERTIES @property def builders(self): """list (XMLPlugin): PyJen plugins that manage the various 'builders' for this job """ return
[docs] def add_builder(self, builder): """Adds a new build step to this job Args: builder (XMLPlugin): PyJen plugin describing the build step to add """ self._job_xml.add_builder(builder) self._job_xml.update()
@property def scm(self): """XMLPlugin: PyJen plugin describing the source code repository configuration for the job""" return self._job_xml.scm @scm.setter def scm(self, value): self._job_xml.scm = value.node self._job_xml.update() @property def publishers(self): """list (XMLPlugin): all plugins configured as 'publishers' for this job """ return self._job_xml.publishers
[docs] def add_publisher(self, publisher): """Adds a new job publisher to this job Args: publisher (XMLPlugin): job publisher to add """ self._job_xml.add_publisher(publisher) self._job_xml.update()
@property def custom_workspace(self): """str: the custom workspace associated with this job May return an empty character string if the custom workspace feature is not currently enabled. """ return self._job_xml.custom_workspace or "" @custom_workspace.setter def custom_workspace(self, path): if path == "": self._job_xml.disable_custom_workspace() else: self._job_xml.custom_workspace = path self._job_xml.update() @property def custom_workspace_enabled(self): """bool: Checks to see if this job has the custom workspace option enabled""" return self._job_xml.custom_workspace is not None @property def quiet_period_enabled(self): """bool: Checks to see if a custom quiet period is defined on this job """ return self._job_xml.quiet_period is not None @property def quiet_period(self): """int: the delay, in seconds, builds of this job wait in the queue before being run. Returns -1 if there is no custom quiet period for this job""" # TODO: this property should return 0 when not set, and the value # should be returned from the XML class return self._job_xml.quiet_period or -1 @quiet_period.setter def quiet_period(self, value): if value < 0: self._job_xml.disable_quiet_period() else: self._job_xml.quiet_period = value self._job_xml.update() @property def assigned_node_enabled(self): """bool: Checks to see if this job has a custom node restriction""" return self._job_xml.assigned_node is not None @property def assigned_node(self): """str: the custom node label restricting which nodes this job can run against""" return self._job_xml.assigned_node or "" @assigned_node.setter def assigned_node(self, value): if value == "": self._job_xml.disable_assigned_node() else: self._job_xml.assigned_node = value self._job_xml.update() # ---------------------------------------------------- JSON BASED PROPERTIES @property def upstream_jobs(self): """list (Job):list of upstream dependencies for this job""" data = self._api.get_api_data() jobs = data['upstreamProjects'] retval = [] for j in jobs: retval.append(Job.instantiate(j, self._api)) return retval @property def all_upstream_jobs(self): """list (Job): list of all jobs that this job depends on, recursively Includes jobs that trigger this job, and all jobs trigger those jobs, recursively for all upstream dependencies """ retval = self.upstream_jobs for cur_job in retval: retval.extend(cur_job.all_upstream_jobs) return retval @property def downstream_jobs(self): """list (Job): list of jobs to be triggered after this job completes""" data = self._api.get_api_data() jobs = data['downstreamProjects'] retval = [] for j in jobs: retval.append(Job.instantiate(j, self._api)) return retval @property def all_downstream_jobs(self): """list (Job): list of all jobs that depend on this job, recursively Includes jobs triggered by this job, and all jobs triggered by those jobs, recursively for all downstream dependencies """ retval = self.downstream_jobs for cur_job in retval: retval.extend(cur_job.all_downstream_jobs) return retval # --------------------------------------------------------------- PLUGIN API @property def _xml_class(self): """FreestyleXML: reference to the Python class that is used to parse and manipulate the raw XML associated with this job type""" return FreestyleXML
[docs] @staticmethod def template_config_xml(): """ Returns: str: XML configuration template for instantiating jobs of this type """ xml = """<project> <actions/> <description/> <keepDependencies>false</keepDependencies> <properties/> <scm class="hudson.scm.NullSCM"/> <canRoam>true</canRoam> <disabled>false</disabled> <blockBuildWhenDownstreamBuilding>false</blockBuildWhenDownstreamBuilding> <blockBuildWhenUpstreamBuilding>false</blockBuildWhenUpstreamBuilding> <triggers/> <concurrentBuild>false</concurrentBuild> <builders/> <publishers/> <buildWrappers/> </project>""" return xml
[docs] @staticmethod def get_jenkins_plugin_name(): """str: the name of the Jenkins plugin associated with this PyJen plugin This static method is used by the PyJen plugin API to associate this class with a specific Jenkins plugin, as it is encoded in the config.xml """ return "hudson.model.FreeStyleProject"
[docs]class FreestyleXML(JobXML): """Abstraction around the config.xml for this type of Jenkins job""" @property def publishers(self): """list (XMLPlugin): 0 or more post-build publishers associated with this job. Each element will be an instance of a compatible PyJen plugin for each publisher. Publishers with no valid PyJen plugin installed will be ignored""" retval = [] nodes = self._root.find('publishers') for node in nodes: plugin_class = find_plugin(node.tag) if plugin_class is None: self._log.warning("Unsupported job 'publisher' plugin: %s", node.tag) continue retval.append(plugin_class(node)) return retval
[docs] def add_publisher(self, new_publisher): """Adds a new publisher node to the publisher section of the job XML Args: new_publisher (XMLPlugin): PyJen plugin which supports the Jenkins publisher API """ pubs = self._root.find('publishers') pubs.append(new_publisher.node) new_publisher.parent = self
@property def scm(self): """Retrieves the appropriate plugin for the SCM portion of a job Detects which source code management tool is being used by this job, locates the appropriate plugin for that tool, and returns an instance of the wrapper for that plugin pre-configured with the settings found in the relevant XML subtree. Returns: XMLPlugin: One of any number of plugin objects responsible for providing extensions to the source code management portion of a job Example: :class:`~.subversion.Subversion` Example: :class:`~.gitscm.GitSCM` """ node = self._root.find('scm') plugin_class = find_plugin(node.attrib["class"]) if plugin_class is None: raise NotImplementedError( "SCM XML plugin not found: " + node.attrib["class"]) return plugin_class(node) @scm.setter def scm(self, node): cur_scm = self._root.find('scm') self._root.remove(cur_scm) self._root.append(node) @property def builders(self): """list (XMLPlugin): PyJen plugins that manage the various 'builders' for this job """ retval = [] nodes = self._root.find('builders') for node in nodes: plugin_class = find_plugin(node.tag) if plugin_class is None: self._log.warning("Unsupported job 'builder' plugin %s", node.tag) continue temp = plugin_class(node) temp.parent = self retval.append(temp) return retval
[docs] def add_builder(self, builder): """Adds a new builder node to the build steps section of the job XML Args: builder (XMLPlugin): PyJen plugin implementing the new job builder to be added """ pubs = self._root.find('builders') pubs.append(builder.node) builder.parent = self
@property def quiet_period(self): """int: the delay, in seconds, this job waits in queue before running a build May return None if no custom quiet period is defined. At the time of this writing the default value is 5 seconds however this may change over time. """ node = self._root.find("quietPeriod") if node is None: return None return int(node.text) @quiet_period.setter def quiet_period(self, value): node = self._root.find("quietPeriod") if node is None: node = ElementTree.SubElement(self._root, 'quietPeriod') node.text = str(value)
[docs] def disable_quiet_period(self): """Disables custom quiet period on a job""" node = self._root.find("quietPeriod") if node is not None: self._root.remove(node)
@property def custom_workspace(self): """str: the local path for the custom workspace associated with this job. Returns None if the custom workspace option is not enabled""" node = self._root.find('customWorkspace') if node is None: return None return node.text @custom_workspace.setter def custom_workspace(self, path): node = self._root.find('customWorkspace') if node is None: node = ElementTree.SubElement(self._root, 'customWorkspace') node.text = path
[docs] def disable_custom_workspace(self): """Disables a jobs use of a custom workspace""" node = self._root.find('customWorkspace') if node is not None: self._root.remove(node)
@property def assigned_node(self): """str: the build agent label this job is associated with""" node = self._root.find("assignedNode") if node is None: return None return node.text @assigned_node.setter def assigned_node(self, node_label): node = self._root.find('assignedNode') if node is None: node = ElementTree.SubElement(self._root, 'assignedNode') node.text = node_label
[docs] def disable_assigned_node(self): """Disables a custom node assignment on this job""" node = self._root.find('assignedNode') if node is not None: self._root.remove(node)
PluginClass = FreestyleJob if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover pass