Contributors Guide

Developers who are interested in contributing to the PyJen project should start by contacting the project maintainer here. Source for the project can be found on GitHub.

To start working on an improvement for the project, start by forking the project and committing your work there. When you are happy with the changes you have made create a pull request and assign it to the maintainer. Once approved, the changes will be integrated into the next release.

All code is expected to be PEP-8 compliant. This requirement is enforced automatically by our continuous integration builds with the help of PyLint. Pull requests will not be approved when continuous integration builds fail. Further, we ask that all docstrings be compatible with the Sphinx API-doc plugin to facilitate automatic document generation by our scripts and hosting sites. Finally, we encourage contributors to add sufficient unit test coverage for any changes they make using the py.test framework used by this project.

Seeing as how PyJen supports the latest versions of both Python 2 and Python 3, all code contributions must be compatible with both of these versions. Finally, we try our best to ensure the API is compatible with both the LTS and Latest editions of the Jenkins REST API, so care should be taken to make sure contributed code - especially those supporting new Jenkins plugins - is compatible with both of these versions wherever possible.

Development Environment

The project, including all build tools, are expected to work correctly on all major operating systems (Windows, Linux, MacOS) and under all recent versions of Python (2.7, 3.4+). Further, some unit tests require the Docker client tools to be installed as well. See the section on “testing” below for details.

Once you have your host configured correctly, we recommend using a Python virtual environment for all of your development work. Maintainers of the project are currently using virtualenv however any similar virtualization tool should work. Below are the basic steps we recommend contributors follow to set up a compatible build environment:

  1. make sure you have the ‘virtualenv’ tool installed

pip install virtualenv
  1. Next, create a local virtual environment under your working folder for the desired Python version. In most systems this can be done as follows:

virtualenv -p python3 ./venv3
  1. Activate the new virtual environment

Linux/Mac: source ./venv3/bin/activate
Windows: .\venv3\bin\activate.bat
  1. install the required build time dependencies. There are 2 requirements files in the ./tests folder to simplify this process: python2.reqs and python3.reqs. The former defines all pegged revisions of all dependencies needed to build and test the project under a Python 2 runtime. The latter defines a similar set of dependencies for the Python 3 runtime. These can easily be installed using pip as follows:

pip install -r ./tests/python3.reqs
  1. Finally, you should be ready to try performing a test run of the unit tests.

tox -r -e py3

For more details on different aspects of the project, including more details on how the test framework works, dependency management, as well as some high level architectural information to get you started writing plugins, see the other sections below.


We endeavor to have as much test coverage of the library and plugin code as possible. To help simplify testing and improve coverage metrics we’ve adopted several different testing strategies.

Currently, all tests are orchestrated by tox. Under the hood tox runs static code analysis as well as automated unit tests. The tests are further orchestrated using pytest. Further, some tests in the suite require a live Jenkins service to test against. This service is automatically created and configured by the pytest framework. To run these tests you need only install the Docker client for your development system and make sure the service is running before launching tox.

For examples on how to write tests for various parts of the framework and plugins, we encourage you to review the existing tests and find similar ones that you can use as guides. Simply copy a test that performs a similar operation to what you want to test, rename the test and update the implementation to satisfy your new test case.

Test Customizations

Several custom pytest parameters have been added to our test runner to make working with the project easier for contributors. They are as follows:

tox -e py3 -- --skip-docker

This handy flag allows developers to run the unit tests that do not depend on the Jenkins service that runs under Docker. This can be helpful for contributors who can’t or don’t want to install and configure Docker on their local machines. Also, tests that require the Docker service tend to be slower than their non-dockerized counterparts, so it can be helpful to run the faster tests as an initial sanity check for new changes being made.

tox -e py3 -- --preserve

This flag forces the pytest runner to keep the Docker container used for tests running after the test run is complete. This can be handy for debugging purposes allowing developers to examine the contents of the container after the tests have been executed to see what state the service is in, the state of the file system in the container, etc. Also, when this flag is enabled subsequent runs of the tests will re-use the same container, which can help improve build times when doing local testing.

tox -e py3 -- --jenkins-version jenkins:alpine

This test option allows us to customize the version of the Jenkins service we test against more easily. By providing the name and tag of the Docker image to use for testing, we can force the test runner to use that exact container for all tests, superseding the default one. Have a bug with a plugin that is only reproducible in v2.150.3, then just run “tox -e py3 – –jenkins-version jenkins:2.150.3-alpine” to try and reproduce it.

Dependency Management

To ensure consistent build results on all platforms and on all continuous integrations servers, we peg all of the build time dependencies needed to build and test the project as specific versions. These pegged revisions are stored in the following files:

  • ./tests/python2.reqs - all dependencies needed to build under Python 2.x

  • ./tests/python3.reqs - all dependencies needed to build under Python 3.x

To make it easier to manage these requirements files, we have a custom shell script in the root folder that will auto-generate a new set of dependencies for the project based on the package dependencies defined in the project.prop file in the root of the project. The shell script will update the dependency list with all of the latest versions of all dependencies automatically.


Just as found in the Jenkins back end implementation, most custom functionality in PyJen will be provided by plugins. PyJen supports a plugin system that essentially mirrors the Jenkins system which allows developers to write their own classes to wrap the REST API for any Jenkins plugin they may like.

Plugins may be packaged independently from the PyJen package or included with the package. Plugins included here are guaranteed to be covered by the same quality metrics and standards as the main library itself, which should improve the confidence users have in them. Standalone plugins packaged separately will be written by third parties and thus may vary greatly in quality and features.

Plugins included directly with the PyJen library are simply Python classes that meet the following criteria:

  • the class declarations must be placed in a module under the src/pyjen/plugins subfolder

  • the class must derive, directly or indirectly, from the XMLPlugin abstract base class

This second requirement forces derived classes to implement specific criteria to implement the required abstract interface. Currently this interface simply has two requirements:

  • a static property named ‘type’ of type str containing the character representation of the Jenkins plugin managed by the PyJen plugin

  • a constructor compatible with the type of plugin being managed (in most cases, this is a single parameter of type xml.etree.ElementTree.Element.)

Beyond that, plugin implementers can then proceed to implement public methods and properties on their plugin class to expose functionality particular to the plugin.

Using Plugins

Any primitive or operation in Jenkins that supports a plugable interface is equally addressable by the associated PyJen interface without further customization by the plugin author. For example, to add support for a new type of ‘builder’, simply write your plugin class as described above and it will automatically be accessible from the builders() property.

This is accomplished by leveraging the metadata embedded in the Jenkins configuration information for each primitive such as a view or a job. The back-end Java plugins supported by Jenkins embed type information in the configuration metadata which maps directly onto PyJen plugin classes. So when you use PyJen to request data from the Jenkins REST API it will automatically look for and load any plugin that the active Jenkins instance may be using without further modification to the PyJen API.