Source code for pyjen.job

"""Primitives for interacting with Jenkins jobs"""
import logging
from urllib.parse import urlsplit, urljoin
import requests
from requests.exceptions import HTTPError
from import Build
from pyjen.queue_item import QueueItem
from pyjen.utils.jobxml import JobXML
from pyjen.utils.plugin_api import find_plugin, get_all_plugins

[docs]class Job: """Abstraction for operations common to all job types on Jenkins""" def __init__(self, api): """ Args: api (JenkinsAPI): Pre-initialized connection to the Jenkins REST API """ super().__init__() self._api = api self._xml_cache = None self._log = logging.getLogger(self.__module__) def __repr__(self): return self._api.url def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, type(self)): return False return == def __ne__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, type(self)): return True return != def __hash__(self): return hash(self._api.url) # ---------------------------------------------- CONFIG XML BASED PROPERTIES @property def _job_xml(self): """JobXML: XML definition for the job configuration""" if self._xml_cache is not None: return self._xml_cache self._xml_cache = self._xml_class(self._api) return self._xml_cache @property def config_xml(self): """str: raw XML configuration for the job Allows callers to manipulate the raw job configuration definition without relying on the PyJen abstractions. Warning: For advanced use only. """ return self._job_xml.xml @config_xml.setter def config_xml(self, new_xml): self._job_xml.xml = new_xml @property def properties(self): """list (XMLPlugin): custom properties associated with this job, typically describing features of the job provided by third party plugins """ return
[docs] def add_property(self, new_property): """Adds a new job property to the configuration Args: new_property (XMLPlugin): Custom job property to be added. May be any PyJen plugin that supports the Jenkins job property plugin API. """ self._job_xml.add_property(new_property) self._job_xml.update()
@property def jenkins_plugin_name(self): """str: Extracts the name of the Jenkins plugin providing the features associated with this job. May reference any number of third party plugins supported by the Jenkins instance being managed. The data returned by this helper property is extracted from the config XML that defines this job. """ return self._job_xml.plugin_name # ---------------------------------------------------- JSON BASED PROPERTIES @property def name(self): """str: the name of the Jenkins job""" data = self._api.get_api_data() return data['name'] @property def is_disabled(self): """bool: True if the job is disabled, otherwise False""" data = self._api.get_api_data() return data['color'] == "disabled" @property def is_unstable(self): """bool: True if the latest build of the job is unstable, otherwise False""" data = self._api.get_api_data() return data['color'] == "yellow" @property def is_failing(self): """bool: True if the latest build of the job is a failure, otherwise False""" data = self._api.get_api_data() return data['color'] == "red" @property def has_been_built(self): """bool: True if the job has been built at least once, otherwise False """ data = self._api.get_api_data() return data['color'] != "notbuilt" @property def recent_builds(self): """list (Build): list of the most recent builds of this job Rather than returning all data on all available builds, this method only returns the latest 20 or 30 builds. This list is synonymous with the short list provided on the main info page for the job on the dashboard. """ data = self._api.get_api_data(query_params="depth=2") builds = data['builds'] retval = [] for cur_build in builds: temp_build = Build(self._api.clone(cur_build['url'])) retval.append(temp_build) return retval @property def all_builds(self): """list (Build): all recorded builds for this job""" data = self._api.get_api_data(query_params="tree=allBuilds[url]") builds = data['allBuilds'] retval = [] for cur_build in builds: temp_build = Build(self._api.clone(cur_build['url'])) retval.append(temp_build) return retval @property def last_good_build(self): """Build: the most recent successful build of this job Synonymous with the "Last successful build" permalink on the jobs' main status page """ data = self._api.get_api_data() lgb = data['lastSuccessfulBuild'] if lgb is None: return None return Build(self._api.clone(lgb['url'])) @property def last_build(self): """Build: the most recent build of this job Synonymous with the "Last Build" permalink on the jobs' main status page """ data = self._api.get_api_data() if 'lastBuild' not in data or data['lastBuild'] is None: return None last_build = data['lastBuild'] return Build(self._api.clone(last_build['url'])) @property def last_failed_build(self): """Build: the most recent build of this job with a status of "failed" Synonymous with the "Last failed build" permalink on the jobs' main status page """ data = self._api.get_api_data() bld = data['lastFailedBuild'] if bld is None: return None return Build(self._api.clone(bld['url'])) @property def last_stable_build(self): """Build: the most recent build of this job with a status of "stable" Synonymous with the "Last stable build" permalink on the jobs' main status page """ data = self._api.get_api_data() bld = data['lastCompletedBuild'] if bld is None: return None return Build(self._api.clone(bld['url'])) @property def last_unsuccessful_build(self): """Build: the most recent build of this job with a status of "unstable" Synonymous with the "Last unsuccessful build" permalink on the jobs' main status page """ data = self._api.get_api_data() bld = data['lastUnsuccessfulBuild'] if bld is None: return None return Build(self._api.clone(bld['url']))
[docs] def find_build_by_queue_id(self, queue_id): """the build of this job which correlates to a specific queue item Args: queue_id (int): ID of the build queue item to correlate with. Typically extracted from the :meth:`~.queue_item.QueueItem.uid` property. Returns: Build: reference to the build associated with the specified queue id or None if no such build exists """ data = { "tree": "builds[url,queueId]", "xpath": f"//build[queueId={queue_id}]" } try: root_node = self._api.get_api_xml(params=data) except HTTPError as err: if err.response.status_code == return None raise node = root_node.find("url") new_api = self._api.clone(node.text) return Build(new_api)
[docs] def disable(self): """Disables this job to prevent new builds from being executed Use in conjunction with :py:meth:`.enable` and :py:attr:`.is_disabled` to control the state of the job. """ + "disable")
[docs] def enable(self): """Enables this job If this jobs current state is disabled, it will be re-enabled after calling this method. If the job is already enabled then this method does nothing. Enabling a job allows it to be triggered, either automatically via commit hooks / polls or manually through the dashboard. Use in conjunction with :py:meth:`.disable` and :py:attr:`.is_disabled` to control the state of the job """ + "enable")
[docs] def delete(self): """Deletes this job from the Jenkins dashboard""" + "doDelete")
[docs] def start_build(self, **kwargs): """Forces a build of this job Synonymous with a manual trigger. A new instance of the job (ie: a build) will be added to the appropriate build queue where it will be scheduled for execution on the next available agent + executor. Args: kwargs (dict): 0 or more named arguments to pass as build parameters to the job when triggering the build. Returns: QueueItem: Reference to the Jenkins queue item that tracks the progress of the triggered build prior to the build actually running. """ if not kwargs.keys(): res = + "build") else: params = {"params": kwargs} res = + "buildWithParameters", params) return QueueItem(self._api.clone(res.headers["Location"]))
[docs] def get_build_by_number(self, build_number): """Gets a specific build of this job from the build history Args: build_number (int): Numeric identifier of the build to retrieve Value is typically non-negative Returns: Build: Reference to the build with the given numeric identifier, or None if no such build exists """ # Generate URL where the specified build "should" be # TODO: Find some way to efficiently search through all builds to # locate the one with the correct number this would still # require 1 hit to the REST API but would be more robust than # trying to "guess" the correct URL endpoint temp_url = self._api.url + str(build_number) retval = Build(self._api.clone(temp_url)) # query the REST API to make sure the URL is correct and that it # returns the correct build number try: assert retval.number == build_number except: # pylint: disable=broad-except,bare-except return None return retval
[docs] def get_builds_in_time_range(self, start_time, end_time): """Returns a list of all of the builds for a job that occurred between the specified start and end times Args: start_time (datetime.datetime): starting time index for range of builds to find end_time (datetime.datetime): ending time index for range of builds to find Returns: list (Build): list of 0 or more builds of this job that began during the time range provided """ if start_time > end_time: end_time, start_time = start_time, end_time builds = [] for run in self.all_builds: if run.start_time < start_time: break if end_time >= run.start_time >= start_time: builds.append(run) return builds
@property def build_health(self): """int: the percentage of good builds from recorded history of this job This metric is associated with the "weather" icon that can be shown next to jobs in certain views """ data = self._api.get_api_data() health_report = data['healthReport'] for cur_report in health_report: if "Build stability:" in cur_report["description"]: return cur_report["score"] return 0
[docs] def clone(self, new_job_name, disable=True): """"Create a new job with the same configuration as this one Args: new_job_name (str): Name of the new job to be created disable (bool): Indicates whether the newly created job should be disabled after creation to prevent builds from accidentally triggering immediately after creation Returns: Job: reference to the newly created job """ # NOTE: In order to properly support jobs that may contain nested # jobs we have to do some URL manipulations to extrapolate the # REST API endpoint for the parent object to which the cloned # view is to be contained. parts = urlsplit(self._api.url).path.split("/") parts = [cur_part for cur_part in parts if cur_part.strip()] assert len(parts) >= 2 assert parts[-2] == "job" parent_url = urljoin( self._api.url, "/" + "/".join(parts[:-2])) parent_api = self._api.clone(parent_url) args = { "params": { "name": new_job_name, "mode": "copy", "from": } } + "createItem", args=args) new_url = parent_api.url + "job/" + new_job_name new_api = self._api.clone(new_url) new_job = self.__class__(new_api) if disable: new_job.disable() return new_job
[docs] def rename(self, new_job_name): """Changes the name of this job Args: new_job_name (str): new name to assign to this job """ args = { "params": { "newName": new_job_name } } + "doRename", args=args) # NOTE: In order to properly support jobs that may contain nested # jobs we have to do some URL manipulations to extrapolate the # REST API endpoint for the parent object to which the cloned # view is to be contained. parts = urlsplit(self._api.url).path.split("/") parts = [cur_part for cur_part in parts if cur_part.strip()] assert len(parts) >= 2 assert parts[-2] == "job" new_url = urljoin( self._api.url, "/" + "/".join(parts[:-2])) new_url += "/job/" + new_job_name self._api = self._api.clone(new_url) assert == new_job_name
# --------------------------------------------------------------- PLUGIN API
[docs] @staticmethod def instantiate(json_data, rest_api): """Factory method for finding the appropriate PyJen view object based on data loaded from the Jenkins REST API Args: json_data (dict): data loaded from the Jenkins REST API summarizing the view to be instantiated rest_api (JenkinsAPI): PyJen REST API configured for use by the parent container. Will be used to instantiate the PyJen view that is returned. Returns: Job: PyJen job object wrapping the REST API for the given job """ # TODO: Find some way to cache the json data given inside the view so # we can lazy-load API data. For example, the name of the view # is always included in the json data and therefore queries for # the View name after creation should not require another hit # to the REST API log = logging.getLogger(__name__) job_url = json_data["url"] # Extract the name of the Jenkins plugin associated with this view # Sanity Check: make sure the metadata for the view has a "_class" # attribute. I'm pretty sure older version of the Jenkins # core did not expose such an attribute, but all versions # from the past 2+ years or more do appear to include it. # If, for some reason this attribute doesn't exist, we'll # fall back to the default view base class which provides # functionality common to all Jenkins views. For extra # debugging purposes however, we log some debug output # if we ever hit this case so we can investigate the # the details further. plugin_class = None if "_class" in json_data: plugin_class = find_plugin(json_data["_class"]) else: # pragma: no cover log.debug("Unsupported Jenkins version detected. Jobs are " "expected to have a _class metadata attribute but this " "one does not: %s", json_data) if not plugin_class: log.debug("Unable to find plugin for class %s", json_data["_class"]) plugin_class = Job return plugin_class(rest_api.clone(job_url))
[docs] @classmethod def get_supported_plugins(cls): """list: list of PyJen plugin classes that derive from this class""" retval = [] for cur_plugin in get_all_plugins(): if issubclass(cur_plugin, cls): retval.append(cur_plugin) return retval
@property def _xml_class(self): """JobXML: reference to the class used to parse and manipulate the raw XML definition for this job type""" return JobXML
if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover pass