Source code for pyjen.jenkins

"""Primitives for interacting with the main Jenkins dashboard"""
import logging
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
from requests.sessions import Session
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
from pyjen.view import View
from pyjen.node import Node
from pyjen.job import Job
from pyjen.user import User
from pyjen.queue import Queue
from pyjen.plugin_manager import PluginManager
from pyjen.utils.jenkins_api import JenkinsAPI
from pyjen.utils.helpers import create_view, create_job

[docs]class Jenkins: """Python wrapper managing the Jenkins primary dashboard Generally you should use this class as the primary entry point to the PyJen APIs. Finer grained control of each aspect of the Jenkins dashboard is then provided by the objects exposed by this class including :class:`~.view.View`, :class:`~.job.Job` and :class:``. """ def __init__(self, url, session): """ Args: url (str): URL of the Jenkins service to connect to session (requests.Session): pre-configured HTTP session to use for communicating to the Jenkins REST API. This session may be user defined, or built using one of the factory methods associated with this class such as :py:meth:`basic_auth`. """ super().__init__() self._log = logging.getLogger(__name__) self._api = JenkinsAPI(url, session)
[docs] @classmethod def basic_auth(cls, url, credentials=None, ssl_cert=None): """Factory method used to instantiate a connection to a Jenkins server using HTTP basic auth protocol Args: url (str): Full HTTP URL to the main Jenkins dashboard credentials (tuple): Optional 2-tuple containing the username and password / api key to authenticate with. If not provided, anonymous access will be assumed ssl_cert (str): Passed directly to the requests library when authenticating to the remote server. Maybe be a boolean indicating whether SSL verification is enabled or disabled, or may be a path to a certificate authority bundle. Returns: Jenkins: instance of this class, preconfigured to connect to the specified Jenkins service using an HTTP basic auth connection """ session = Session() if credentials: session.auth = HTTPBasicAuth(credentials[0], credentials[1]) session.verify = ssl_cert or True return cls(url, session)
@property def connected(self): """bool: True if API still connected to the service, False if not""" try: if self._api.jenkins_headers: return True return False except RequestException as err: self._log.error("Jenkins connection failed: %s.", err) return False @property def version(self): """tuple: version of Jenkins service, parsed into a tuple of integers""" return self._api.jenkins_version @property def is_shutting_down(self): """bool: True if the Jenkins master is scheduled for a shutdown, False if not""" data = self._api.get_api_data() return data['quietingDown'] @property def nodes(self): """list (Node): list of build agents""" data = self._api.get_api_data(target_url=self._api.url + "computer/") nodes = data['computer'] retval = [] for cur_node in nodes: if cur_node['displayName'] == 'master': node_url = self._api.url + 'computer/(master)' elif cur_node['displayName'] == 'Built-In Node': node_url = self._api.url + 'computer/(built-in)' else: node_url = self._api.url + 'computer/' + cur_node['displayName'] retval.append(Node(self._api.clone(node_url))) return retval @property def default_view(self): """View: the primary / default Jenkins view The default view is the one displayed when navigating to the main URL. Typically this will be the "All" view, but this may be customized by the user at runtime. """ data = self._api.get_api_data() return View.instantiate(data['primaryView'], self._api) @property def views(self): """list (View): all views directly managed by this Jenkins instance""" retval = [] data = self._api.get_api_data() for cur_view in data['views']: retval.append(View.instantiate(cur_view, self._api)) return retval @property def jobs(self): """list (Job): all jobs managed by this Jenkins instance""" data = self._api.get_api_data(query_params="depth=0") retval = [] for j in data['jobs']: retval.append(Job.instantiate(j, self._api)) return retval def _recursively_find_jobs(self, obj): """Recursively locates all jobs managed by an arbitrary Jenkins object Args: obj: An arbitrary Jenkins object which may contain jobs. The given object may be one of any number of PyJen plugins, but it must expose a 'jobs' property which can be used to load a list of jobs managed by the object Returns: list (Job): list of jobs nested within other jobs, recursively """ retval = [] for cur_job in retval.append(cur_job) if isinstance(getattr(type(cur_job), "jobs", None), property): retval.extend(self._recursively_find_jobs(cur_job)) return retval @property def all_jobs(self): """list (Job): all jobs managed by this Jenkins instance, recursively Unlike the :meth:`jobs` method, this method attempts to expose jobs which are managed by custom jobs created from third party plugins which support nesting jobs under sub-folders / sub-paths. Any job which exposes a custom 'jobs' property.""" return self._recursively_find_jobs(self)
[docs] def prepare_shutdown(self): """Starts a "quiet down" and prevents new builds from executing Analogous to the "Prepare for Shutdown" link on the Manage Jenkins configuration page You can cancel a previous requested shutdown using the :py:meth:`.cancel_shutdown` method """ + 'quietDown')
[docs] def cancel_shutdown(self): """Cancels a previous scheduled shutdown sequence Cancels a shutdown operation initiated by the :py:meth:`.prepare_shutdown` method """ + 'cancelQuietDown')
[docs] def find_job(self, job_name): """Searches all jobs managed by this Jenkins instance for a specific job Some plugins allow jobs to be nested within other jobs. To perform a recursive search across all such entities, see :py:meth:`.all_jobs`. Args: job_name (str): the name of the job to search for Returns: Job: If a job with the specified name can be found, and object to manage the job will be returned, otherwise None """ data = self._api.get_api_data() for cur_job in data['jobs']: if cur_job['name'] == job_name: return Job.instantiate(cur_job, self._api) return None
[docs] def find_view(self, view_name): """Searches views for a specific one Args: view_name (str): the name of the view to search for Returns: View: If a view with the specified name can be found, an object to manage the view will be returned, otherwise returns None """ data = self._api.get_api_data() for cur_view in data['views']: temp_view = View.instantiate(cur_view, self._api) if == view_name: return temp_view return None
[docs] def create_view(self, view_name, view_class): """Creates a new view on the Jenkins dashboard Args: view_name (str): The name for this new view. This name should be unique, different from any other views currently managed by the Jenkins instance view_class: PyJen plugin class associated with the type of view to be created Returns: View: An object to manage the newly created view """ create_view(self._api, view_name, view_class) retval = self.find_view(view_name) assert retval is not None return retval
[docs] def create_job(self, job_name, job_class): """Creates a new job on the Jenkins dashboard Args: job_name (str): The name for this new job. This name should be unique, different from any other jobs currently managed by the Jenkins instance job_class: PyJen plugin class associated with the type of job to be created Returns: Job: An object to manage the newly created job """ create_job(self._api, job_name, job_class) retval = self.find_job(job_name) assert retval is not None return retval
[docs] def find_user(self, username): """Locates a user with the given username on this Jenkins instance Args: username (str): name of user to locate Returns: User: reference to Jenkins object that manages this users information, or None if no user with the specified name can be found """ # TODO: Rework 'users' property to cache the user name for all users in # one query, so we can rework this implementation to simply call # self.users then iterate through them all to find the one # we're looking for. Then we don't have to guess the URL. new_url = self._api.url + "user/" + username try: retval = User(self._api.clone(new_url)) assert retval.user_id == username return retval except RequestException: return None
[docs] def find_node(self, nodename): """Locates a Jenkins build agent with the given name Args: nodename (str): name of node to locate Returns: Node: reference to Jenkins object that manages this node's information, or None if no node with the given name can be found """ if nodename == "master": temp_nodename = "(master)" elif nodename == "Built-In Node": temp_nodename = "(built-in)" else: temp_nodename = nodename # TODO: Rework 'nodes' property to cache the node name for all nodes in # one query, so we can rework this implementation to simply call # self.nodes then iterate through them all to find the one # we're looking for. Then we don't have to guess the URL. new_url = self._api.url + "computer/" + temp_nodename try: retval = Node(self._api.clone(new_url)) assert == nodename return retval except RequestException: return None
@property def plugin_manager(self): """PluginManager: interface for managing the plugins installed on this Jenkins instance""" return PluginManager(self._api.clone(self._api.url + 'pluginManager')) @property def build_queue(self): """Queue: interface for managing the Jenkins build queue""" return Queue(self._api.clone(self._api.url + 'queue'))
if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover pass